Thanks for showing an interest in the MPA’s ‘A Place for You’ campaign.

When the MPA conducted its Diversity & Inclusion survey, one of the key issues behind a lack of diversity in the industry was the fact that there’s a distinct lack of visible role models within the sector, specifically those from socially ‘excluded’ backgrounds. So, to combat this challenge, the MPA are launching our ‘A Place for You’ campaign which aims to celebrate the truly diverse array of role models who are currently flourishing across Manchester’s digital, creative and media sectors – and so attract more diverse talent. Hiring diverse talent within an organisation is fundamental to creating a dynamic and rich cross section of society. It helps to invigorate teams to become better problem solvers, more courageous in their creativity, and build an industry that is brimming with wide reaching innovation.

As Manchester is one of the UK’s creative hubs, we believe that careers within this city and sector should be for everyone. Our aim is to try and highlight through our D&I role models how people can utilise their individuality to pursue their own careers within the digital, media and creative industries, especially within Manchester..


First up we need you to help us find all the diverse role models out there. We are sure you’ll know some…..maybe you are one? Either way, please take a photo of yourself/the role model.

We don’t want a regular head and shoulders shot, we want something that shows character. Please also provide a short biography (50 – 100 words) outlining your name, job title, where you work, what got you into the industry & how you can provide hope for others. Send an email to MPA@ifagency.co.uk with your photo and biography attached.

We’ll display all the role models on the MPA website and a few will be selected to be showcased through the MPA’s email database, social channels and occasionally across digital outdoor media.

So, by sending your photo/biography, you will be giving us permission to publish them in this way.